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Showing posts from January, 2021

Throbbing Gristle - The Second Annual Report

From just looking at the cover, this album might not seem like much. I mean, just look at it! It looks like some kind of lazy bootleg, or the cover to some official document. However, despite its looks, this is one of the most important albums ever made. This is because this is the debut album of the first ever industrial band, Throbbing Gristle. Without this album or band, more famous industrial bands and groups such as Nine Inch Nails, Ministry, Marilyn Manson, and Death Grips would never of been created! Old photo in front of TG's lightning bolt logo When you first look at the track list of this album, the first thing you might notice is that there are a lot of repeated songs. In fact, out of the 9 tracks on the album, there are 3 tracks called Slug Bait and 4 called Maggot Death. This is because almost all of these repeated tracks are live recordings from different shows. Despite this, all of the repeated tracks sound ...

Fartbarf - Dirty Power

  What would you say if I told you that I know this electronica band called Fartbarf with band members that wear monkey masks and songs that feature vocals so distorted that it sounds like a robot is singing? You'd probably say that sounds terrible; it sounds like it's going to be another terrible joke band that relies on some dumb shtick to get sales. That's where you'd be wrong. Not only is Fartbarf a real band that takes their music seriously, their music, for the most part, is really good! According to an interview with LA Weekly , the band chose their weird name, and their personas as "space-neanderthals" not only to attract a larger audience, but also to show that they "could take themselves seriously and try to make a name for themselves" despite it. Their music its self takes inspiration from metal, synth punk, and EDM. One of the band members described it as a combination of Hot Chip, Devo, and Slayer. I'm not exactly sure if I would com...

Boris - Amplifier Worship

  Wow, it's been a long time since I've posted on this blog, mostly because of a lack of motivation on my part. However, I really want to start posting more, and writing the blog for Pvrth has brought me some newfound motivation ( read the blog I'm writing for Pvrth here! ). Therefore, I'm going to try to post at least once a month. Anyway, I'd like to introduce you to a fantastic band that I've been listening to recently, Boris! Boris is an experimental noise/ drone metal band from Japan. I can't understand what they're saying, but that doesn't take away from the spiritual experience that is listening to one of their albums. Boris is also named after a song of the same name by one of my favorite bands, the Melvins. You may remember my review of the album Lysol by the Melvins ( if not, read my Melvins - Lysol review here ). Lysol's first two tracks "Hung Bunny" and "Roman Dog Bird" are slow and powerful drone tracks which rely...