It's been a while since I reviewed a straight up metal band, and considering this blog has "metal" in the name, I figured I better do it. That being said, I haven't been listening to a lot of metal recently, so I figured I'd pick something fun to review to make it easy on myself. Example of a Belzebubs comic (Click to enlarge) Just like Gorillaz, Belzebubs is a cartoon band, but unlike Gorillaz, Belzebubs is a black metal band and is based off of a comic strip. I think Gorillaz has a comic too, but I believe that their comic didn't exist before the band itself. The Belzebubs comic was very popular in the metal community for a while before the band was formed, and is a comedic mockumentary style slice-of-life strip about the members of a black metal band and their families. It was pretty good, I even bought a physical copy of the book! (Check out their website here , and their tumbler here for the merch store and comic strip). When I first checked out the band...