Giant Drag was one of those bands I absolutely loved in middle and highschool, but no one else seemed to have heard of. At the time, Giant Drag only had one full length album (which I listened to religiously): Hearts and Unicorns. Giant Drag is an indie grunge band formed in 2003 by singer/songwriter/front man (front woman?) Annie Hardy and drummer Micah Calabrese. Giant Drag stands out from other bands in the genre due to Annie's vocals, and the band's unique dreamlike sound which takes inspiration from shoegaze bands such as My Bloody Valentine ( Check out my review of My Bloody Valentine - Loveless here! ). Giant Drag is also known for their humorous song names such as "Kevin is Gay", "My Dick Sux", "High Friends in Places", and "YFLMD" (You Fuck Like My Dad). The first song on the album is "Kevin is Gay". The title of this track has a funny story behind it; in Annie's own words, "Kevin is just a guy though, the ...