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Emperor - Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk

        Emperor is a highly influential black metal band, and one on the original Norwegian black metal bands along with others such as Mayhem and Darkthrone. Emperor's music features beating drums, breathy growled vocals, and fast almost symphonic melodies. One interesting thing about the songs is that most of them have very loud instruments that overpower the vocals. This results in almost dreamlike songs, which are heavily focused on the instruments rather than the vocals, and remind me of shoegaze (I won't explain shoegaze now, but I will in the future, when I review a shoegaze album). It is possible that Emperor and their style of black metal inspired or was inspired by shoegaze since both black metal and shoegaze originated in the late 80s, although I don't know if this is true. The sound of Emperor's music gives me a feeling similar to laying face up in the rain at night during a thunderstorm: harsh and dark, but also surprisingly calming.
         This cover is pretty cool looking, although I'm not really sure what's going on in it. It is very dark and monochrome as any good black metal album cover should be. The cover appears to be an army of demons swarming a castle. Maybe some kind of Armageddon/ huge battle is taking place? Also it is kind of hard to make out, but it appears that the demons are surrounding a pile of dead angles maybe? I think this is a pretty cool cover, and appropriate for the music, but I would like it if it was easier to tell exactly what was happening in the picture. Even though there is a lot I can't make out, part of the album cover is a famous piece of art called "Their Summons Called" by Gustave Dore (see "Their Summons Called" below). This artwork is notable for appearing in an addition of the book "Paradise Lost."
        My favorite songs on the album are "Alsvartr (The Oath)," "Ensorcelled by Khaos," and "The Loss and Curse of Reverence."
        I always enjoy when the first song on an album is much different that the others, I like to think it's there to give you a false sense of security before the real brutal stuff starts. This is the case with Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk, and the first song "Alsvartr (The Oath)." This song is slow and atmospheric with ghost like shrieks and gasps, creepy dreamlike guitars and occasional heavy  stepping drums. My favorite part of this song is when the singer says, "O' Nightspirit\ I am one with thee\ I am the eternal power\ I am the Emperor," and grand royal trumpets sound, as if to announce the presence of the emperor.
        "Ensorcelled by Khaos" gives the feeling of taking a journey through a grim, black metal world. The song starts out with brutal black metal guitars and vocals, which beat the listener into submission. Suddenly, the song gets much slower and a circus like melody starts playing in the background. As the song goes on, a ghost like chorus sings in the background, adding to the atmosphere. Towards the end, the melody changes once more, combining the rough early melody with the atmospheric melody in the middle to create a cool symphonic gothy melody, which I like a lot. What makes this song so good is that it showcases several different styles Emperor uses throughout their music, and makes a great song with them.
        Part of what makes this album good is the great atmosphere Emperor creates in the songs, but Emperor's atmospherics especially shine in the song "The Loss and Curse of Reverence." At the start of the song, the fast drums, harsh vocals, and swaying guitars work together to to create an exciting and suspenseful atmosphere that draws me into the song. As the song goes on, symphonics and horns are used to further develop the atmosphere, and create a dramatic and grand sound. One of my favorite parts of this song is towards the end when what sounds like a flute or organ starts playing a haunting melody. I'd say this is probably the best song on the album, although "Ensorcelled by Khaos" takes a close second.
        This is a great album, and I definitely recommend you listen give it a listen, especially if you are a fan of black metal.
                                   1.)  Alsvartr (The Oath)
                                   2.)  Ye Entrancemperium
                                   3.)  Thus Spake the Nightspirit
                                   4.)  Ensorcelled by Khaos
                                   5.)  The Loss and Curse of Reverence
                                   6.)  The Acclamation of Bonds
                                   7.)  With Strength I Burn
                                   8.)  The Wanderer

Their Summons Called

*Note: There are 3 extra songs that I am not including in this review because they are only in the re-release version of the album and not the original.



Melvins - Lysol (Aka, Melvins)

        Ahhh... I love reviewing albums by my favorite bands. Melvins is an amazing band of many faces. Their music ranges from slightly bluesy hard rock, to harsh noise, to thick sludge and drone. This particular album is mostly sludge and drone, with some bluesy hard rock mixed in. In addition, the frontman, and singer, of the Melvins is a guy with crazy hair named King Buzzo, so they've also got that going for them. Some quick facts about this album: it was originally called Lysol (as seen here), but the Melvins were sued by the Lysol corporation for using their name, and was forced to change the name. The Melvins opted to just remove the word Lysol from the right side of the album, and make it self titled. Despite this, fans still refer to the album as Lysol . The cover art is a painting of a sculpture named "Appeal to the Great Spirit". This image also appears on the cover of a Beach Boys live album, The Beach Boys in Concert . You may no...